Jany 1st Very Hot and almost free from wind. Sent my wool to Morpeth by a Carrier by the name of W Giles Sophy McDougall came to Stay a Short time with us Thos & Alex McD here all Night
2nd Very Hot. Wind from the West & Hot. Mr R Howe Mr & Mrs Cooper Mrs & Miss Arndell and Mr J F Doyle at B Wood Mr Doyle staid all Night Andrew went to Maitland Some Thunder and a small Shower of Rain in the Night
3 Moderate & Cloudy best part of the day
4th The forenoon Cloudy and looked like Rain Afternoon hot, John returned from up (?) Lofty - McDougall returned Home Edward, Andw & Edmd Doyle called
5 Very Hot until evening when a breeze set in from South East Mr Eastmune at B Wood Mr J. F. Doyle’s business
6th Hot, Andw returned from Maitland & Sold His wool to Messrs Dickinson @ 1 shilling per lb Parks returned wind from the west
7 Very Hot, the Wind the Same as yesterday
8 Cloudy nearly all day a good deal of wind from the S. E. Cleaning wheat Cyrus returned from Singleton bringing a Sevt Woman (Jaennt McIntyre) Hired by Andw in Maitland. Mr Alexr McDougall removed 50 of his wethers
9th One of the most dreadful days for Heat and wind I recollect. The mean Man importune was, S S. (?)
10th Not so Hot as yesterday. Afternoon nearly as windy Sent 110 lbs of Grapes to Singleton Mr G P Bowman Spent the Evening with us
11 Windy and Hot, about sun set the wind Came round to S East. The air is thick with Smoke
12th Moderately warm, The wind in the Same quarter as yesterday Evening Sent the cart to singleton with 210 lbs of Grapes Cyrus accompanied it
13 Hot, wind from Same quarter Andw McDougall here all Night, The Grapes are dying on the vines, The Fruit Trees are dying as well as the vines & Grapes
14 Very close and Sultry Thunder at a distance Several times during the day. Billy Scott gave Cyrus notice not to feed Sheep at Red Rock Creek
15th A Thunder Storm very early in the morning and a fine Shower, The day Sultry and Close Andw Started for Maitland for the purpose of being at G McDougall’s wedding
with Thunder & lightning
16th A Shower Some time last Night or this morning ^ The day moderately Cool and Cloudy
17th Cool and Cloudy all day wind from S East
18th Warm wind every way A fine Thunder Shower, Walter accompanied the Cart to Glennies Creek & Singleton with Grapes
19th Very Hot and Still not a breath of wind the whole day made 6 gallons of wine as a begining
20th Very Hot with wind from the west until about one oclock P M when the Wind Shifted and blew from the South East. The Flies, that have been such a pest for months past have nearly all disappeared, having been destroyed by a Small black Fly about twice the size of the Native which kills them and carries them away Walter went to Singleton on business
21st Cool all day a few Misty Showers in the Evening, Edm Doyle at B. Wood staid all Night Same light Rain in the Night
22 Rather Cloudy and moderately Cool Wind from S E Andw returned from Maitland 137 Sheep left out
23rd Found the Sheep unscathed ( a wonder) The day very fine and moderate wind fiom S. East Mr Cropton Called for payment of Station Orders
24 Weather the Same as Yesterday
25th The Same Messrs Gaggin & Foot dined with us John went ot Singleton Sent a load of wheat to the Mill
26 Weather the Same. lost a Cask of wine some time last Night Something must have impeid (?) the vent for the fermentation, in consequence a cork blew out near the bottom of the Cask and nearly the whole escaped
27th Weather the Same 28th The Same of wind
29th Very Hot and Sultry John & Andw Started for the Hawkesbury. Sent Grapes to Singleton they did not sell well
30 Very Sultry all day. My Sister Called on Her way to Singleton Mr Bowman Spent the afternoon with us
31st Sultry and Close Some Rain in the night
❖ ❖ ❖
Feby 1st Weather the Same
2nd Cloudy in the Forenoon afternoon warm wind in the Same quarter a fine Shower of Rain before day this morning
3 Cloudy all day Mr G Bowman & A McDougall & E Doyle Called
4th Weather the Same Mr. Bowman Called
5th The day Hot, Wind from the west.
6th Very Hot Sent Some Grapes & Mellons to Singleton The Man was either Cheated Himself or cheated me out of 4/8 Mr Bowler & a Mr Nicholson at B W
7th Very Hot, wind from the west, Went to the Funeral of the late Mr Saul Dight who died on the 5th
From the 7th to the 17th The weather was Hot One Thunder Shower fell during this time
18th Very Hot a very heavy fall of Rain in the Evening which lasted upwards of two Hours accompanied with a great deal of Thunder and Lighting Mr Mrs & Jas Cooper here. TWO of the young Singles with a lot of Fat Cattle here all Night
19 Very Hot and Close the whole of the day
20 Part of the forenoon Cloudy the remainder of the day Hot
21st Clear fine day, a Cool breeze from the S East Had an order I gave on Mr Andw McDougall of Kelso, in favour of Mr F W Robinson for the sum of £3.7.0 returned dishonoured. To His McDougall’s disgrace as He is indebted to me more than Ten times the amount of the order-
22d Weather the Same as yesterday, sent some Grapes to Singleton and was cheated of 30 lbs, I believe by Billy Barlow
23 Weather the Same
24th Very Hot, Wind from the west. Mr G P. Bowman Spent most of the day with Isabella & R Doyle here Isabella remained all Night. A Thunder Shower in the Evening
25th Fine Cool day, wind from S East Isabella Doyle went home
❖ ❖ ❖
Saturday March the 9th. This day should be remembered by me as long as I live, This day I was at the point of death from Apoplectick Fits brought on by and having it stopped at once drinking too much wine. God in His Mercy spared me which was very wrong its wonder it did not kill
me ( I almost bit my Tongue off)
From the 9th to the 16th Fine weather on the
14th Miss E McDougall arrived at B. Wood on a visit
17th Hot My Family went to Church but the Minister Could not attend having lost His Horse He had Prayers at this Place
18 Fine but rather warm
19th Two or three Showers during the Afternoon my Family all went to a pic, nic at Mr Bowman’s
20th Fine somewhat Cloudy in the Forenoon
21st Fine Mr G P Bowman Spent the Evening at B Wood
22nd Warm and fine all day
23 Very Close and Sultry Messrs McDougall left B Wood Mrs Smith and Cyrus went to Singleton Walter Started for the Hawkesbury
24th Very Hot and Sultry all day the thermometer up to 90
25 Weather the Same Mrs S returned from Singleton
26 Weather the Same
27th The Same
28th The Same
29th very Hot and Sultry
30th Very Sultry a Small Shower in the Evening accompanied by a good deal of Thunder and Lightning
31st Sultry and Close most of the day
❖ ❖ ❖
Apl 1st Weather the Same two or three very light Showers of Rain J & And started for the Bundarra
2nd Warm and rather Cloudy
3rd Very Fine Clear and warm Fanny Doyle staying a few days with us
4th Weather the Same
5th weather the Same
6th A little Rain in the forenoon Afternoon hot Cloudy
7th Fine all day
8 Weather the Same Mr J F Doyles son James at B Wood My dray went to Singleton with wheat to the Mill
9 Fine, and warm all day. Mr J F Doyle here to day for a short time
10th weather the Same
11 A Couple of Showers before day a few drops of Rain in the Forenoon Same Smart Rain Afternoon The weather Cleared up a little before Sun Set
12th Fine and warm all day, a good many Thunder Clouds to be seen
13 weather the Same
14th Hot and very Sultry all day. Some dark Clouds a few drops of Rain and Lightning in the Evening My Sister Came to stay a few days with
us for the purpose of weening Her Child
15th Two or Three Hours fine Rain this Morning before day. The day very Windy ans Cloudy wind from the Wst.
16th Very windy & Clear Mrs Smith went to Singleton
17 Fine but very Windy the Nights & Mornings beginning to get Cold Mrs S returned from Singleton
18th Not so windy
19th a little Drizzling Rain My Sister went Home had been Ill for two days
20th Fine warm day, bought 10 Rams from Mr Parnell
21st Very warm for this time of the year
22 put the Rams to the Ewes 6 times in all
23rd Weather the Same
24 Warm a good many Thunder Clouds a Small Showers about 3 oclock Cyrus went to a to a Pic Nic given by Mrs Hope
25 Very warm, Cyrus returned Mr G P. Bowman here for a Short time
25th Very warm
26th The Same
27 Do
28th Do
29th the Same
30 Same
❖ ❖ ❖
May 1st Very warm
2nd the Same
3rd Do
4th Very Windy all day from the west
5th Sharp Frost this morining very Cold & Cloudy ’til 12 oclock Cyrus went to Singleton
6th Frost the day warm The Cart went to Singleton
7th Fine Mild day, The working Bullock astray The Cart returned at Night
8th Fine Mild Day gave up every idea of Ploughing until Rain fails The Ground two or Three Inches under the Surface is like a Rock
9th One Hundred and fifty four young Ewes left out last Night The day fine six young Ewes destroyed by Native dogs and a number severely bitten
10 The very warm a good many Thunder Clouds to S. West Lightning at Night to the Southward
11th Very fine and warm
12th a good deal of Thunder and Lighteningin the early part of the a fine Shower of Rain which lasted two thirds of the night went to
Church in the afternoon
13th Fine and warm A McDougall here on business Cyrus exchanged His Mare with Him for a Mare and Foal, Commenced Pruning Vines
14th A little Frost this Morning the day fine & warm
15th Sowed about 3 Acres of wheat
16 The weather the Same as yesterday
17th Foggy this morning the day warm Sowed one and half Acres of Barley
18th A little Frost this morning the rest of the day warm and Calm Mrs S & Cyrus went to Singleton Sent £6.3.6 to the Bank of N S Wales that amount becoming due on the 20th Inst. for Interest
19th The Weather the Same
20 The Same Mrs S & Cyrus returned from Singleton
21st weather the Same Mr G. P. Bowman here in the Evening
22nd Weather the Same Mr James Arndell called
23 the Same
24 Cloudy nearly all day a few drops of Rain between 8 & 9 oclock P. M. Mr G P Bowman Spent the Evening with us
25 Part of the day Cloudy part Hot a small Shower about break of day this morning another very Small about 3 oclock P. M.
26th Cloudy and Close all day, The little rain we have had has not wet the Ground half I. deep
27thThe day warm and and a little Cloudy Leslie went to Singleton.
14 Galls wine leaked out-
28th The morning Cool all the rest very warm for this time of year. Leslie returned
29th The day fine and warm John returned from the Bundarra
30th very windy all day from the west Andw returned from the Bundama bringing a Fat Bullock & three Milkers
Mr & Mrs Cooper dined with us
31st Fine and mild in the day a liitle Frost in the Morning ^
❖ ❖ ❖
June 1st Frost in the morning fine & warm all the rest of the day Mr James Arndell here all past Night
2nd Weather the Same James McDougall dined here
3rd Mid and warm Cyrus went to Singleton
4th Very Hot for this time of the year The Thermoneter at 1 oclock P M was up to 76 in the Shade and 97 in the Sun- The Evening Coudy a few drops of Rain fell
I forgot to mention on the 3 rd Inst I received a letter from the directors ofthe B of N S Wales demanding an immediate payment of the balance due by me to the Bank- The excessive and long continued drought has been the cause of a grub attacking some of the more delicate Grape vines and have destroyed Same and injuried a considerable number The black Cluster has suffered most
5th A little Rain several times today but very little heavyer than dew the afternoon Cold and windy from the Southward. What a constrast between to day and yesterday
6th Weather the Same as yesterday Cyrus went to Singleton. Robert Doyle here
7th A fine Shower past Night The day Cloudy no Rain
8th Fine all day dischard Billy Barlow who had done no work since the 3lst May
9th Several light Showers fell during the day accompanied with Thunder My Sister & Three of Her Children Spent the day with us. John returned from Maitland sold His Cattle for £1.6.0 per Head and His white mare for £4.0.0
10th Fine all day the morning Cold but no Frost
11th Weather the Same
12th The Same Leslie took the Cart to Singleton. My self minding Sheep during His abscence
13th Windy all day Leslie returned in the afternoon
14th Sharp Frost this Morning Rain all day removed the Rams into the wether Flock
15th A little Frost the day fine Andw returned from Maitland accompanied by Andw Doyle
16th Cold and Cloudy a few drops of Rain fell about 1 oclock P. M. Mr G. P. Bowman dined with us.
17th Cold and bleak a few drops of Rain in the afternoon Andw & Cyrus found 3 of the working Bullocks
18th Very Cold a few drops of Rain Wind from the west
19th A good deal of Rain last Night and during the forenoon. Cleared off about 12 oclock the wind changed to the South.
20th Cloudy most of the Day. Mr Jas Arndell and Andw Doyle at B Wood
21st Forenoon Cloudy Afternoon Clear & warm Sent a Load of Hay to Muswell Brook
22nd Cloudy and Cold
23rd Weather the Same John & Cyrus went to Maitland
24th The Same Andw returned from Muswell Brook Sold the Ton of Hay for £3.15.0.
25th Cloudy in the forenoon bright & Clear afternoon
26th Frost this morning The day very Hot Thunder at a distance in the Evening
27th A great deal of Thunder and Lightning in the Morning Early and a little Rain. Tremendous wind all the afternoon the day was most disagreeable one (Some Frost in the Morning)
28 Fine all day Some black Clouds rose in the Evening from the South East John & Cyrus returned from Maitland Could not Sell a Mare they took down,
29th Some fine Rain during last night and this Morning early the day Clear Mr Eastmune dined with us Old Grahame and Christy Ohara cutting
Vines for planting
30th Very hard Frost this Morning the rest of the day fine and warm Went to my Flat and found John Quantrill Cutting Trees and Thorly feeding Cattle with the branches
❖ ❖ ❖
July 1st Cloudy most of the day
2nd Cloudy and alittle Rain. Finished Sowing Wheat, very late this season owing to the drought, the Revd Mr White Called on His way to Mr Hobdens, to marry C Harpur to Mary Doyle,
3rd Foggy Morning a good deal of Rain to day the Revd Mr White dined with us. Some Rain in the Night
4th Clouds and Sun shine alternately
5th Some very fine Showers during the Night Rain nearly all day
6th A good deal of Rain during the Night the morning Foggy fine all day
7th Cold wind all day the Revd Mr White preached here in the Evening Cyrus went to Maitland
8th Fine, moderate wind from the west Cyrus returned
9th Very Sharp Frost this Morning. The day Fine & Clear
10th Sharp Frost, the day became Cloudy & Cold
11th Dull most the day Sent a load of Hay to to Muswell Brook by Owen Campbell. Cyrus went to sell it
12th Fine and warm all day Mr G. P. Bowman here in the Evening. James Ball threatened to drag a Scabed Sheep Skin over my Sheep Run
13th Frost, the day fine, Mrs S & Andw went to Singleton
14th Frost, Cyrus & the dray returned from Muswell Brook Sold the Hay at the rate of £4.0.0 pur ton lost Some of the Bullocks
15 Very hard frost, Henry Fitz here all Night Received a Letter from Robert who had just arrived at Calfornia Mrs S & Andw returned from Singleton Frederick Doyle here on His way up the Country, James Ball & Saml Jarvis took 592 of my Sheep from off the Govt reserve (I have every reason to believe) and Andw had to give a Bond for the sum of £2.7.0 before they would release them.
16th Frost, fine and Calm all day Cloudy in the Evening
17th Weather the Same,
18th Cloudy and rather Cold. Sent 2912 lbs of Hay to Mrs Wisemans Jennet Mclntrye left my Service
19th A little Rain several times during the day Wind from the Southward and very Cold Mr Eastmun called on return from Mr Holdens
20th Cloudy and Cold most of the day Leslie returned from Singleton delayed one day by Rain Some of Mr Holdens Sheep and mine got mixed
21st A good deal of Rain fell to day Leslie went to Singleton
22nd Cloudy and Cold. Henry Smith left my employ having served the time agreed upon Some light Rain during the day. Barlow Commenced the ploughing
23rd Misty Rain, forgot to mention that I wrote to the directors of the Bank of N S W. thro Mr Baillie requesting them to allow me two years to pay my debt in and if they would not allow that time to inform me how many months they would allow for me to pay them in
24th Fine and warm allday John went to Muswell Brook to see after His horses
25 Frost, the day fine and warm a little wind from the west
26th Cold & Cloudy a little Rain about 12 oclock Andw & Cyrus finished Harrowing two Acres of Wheat they Sowed for Horse food
27th Very cold & cloudy distant Thunder & some Rain in the Afternoon a Smart Shower in the Evening The Shepherd brought Six Native pups He found in the Bush Five of them were Females. A Shepherd of mine Some years Back found Eight Native pups all Females, its Strange that 13 out of 14 Show to be of one sex. John returned from Muswell Brook, did not find his Horses
28th A good deal of Rain fell to day The ensuing Spring is likely to be a moist one
29th Cloudy, Some distant Thunder in the forenoon
30 Very fine and midling Clear Sent Barlow to Singleton with the Horse Caft, returned in the Evening-
31 st Weather the Same — ploughing for pimkins &c &c
❖ ❖ ❖
Augst 1st Rather windy from the West heavy Clouds Coming from the Same quarter. The wind increased to a perfect gale in the afternoon some distant Thunder
2nd Very Windy & Cold Walter returned from B k Hills and Hawkesbury. One of the peach Trees Coming in full blossom ( much too early in the Season)
3rd Windy and Cold
4th The Same
5th Not quite, so windy & Cold. Forgot to mention that the beam & Foot of the plough was broke on the 4th Inst. Frost this Morning,
6th Very hard Frost John, Cyrus, Andw & Leslie, went to the Singleton Races. J. Ball me for the Hire of a Billed Horse He Lent me
7th Cloudy& Cold Andw returned from the Races Some very fine Showers in the afternoon
8th Very fine & warm. Shepherding to day Whilst Walter went to the Races
9th Fine and warm John, Cyrus, Walter & Leslie returned from the Races, Sophia McDougall accompanied them up, intending to remain a Short time with us
10th Cold Wind from the S East a lttle Rain in the afternoon E & A Doyle came in Evening with 2000 Sheep on their road up the Rivers.
11th Cold & Cloudy all day a few drops of Rain in the afternoon E & A Doyle Started with their Sheep this morning Andw McDougall Junr arrived here in the Evening on His way to His Station
12th Weather the Same John went to Singleton in the Afternoon
13th Weather the Same John returned, Mr Eastmune here and witnessed a document in favour of Mr Chas H Dight
14th Weather the Same Cyrus went to Singleton Mr East -mune with Him in the Gig
15 Very warm and not a breath of Air Thunder Clouds at a distance Cyrus returned Mrs Wiseman refuses to pay £1.18.0 She owes me for Hay which was delivered to her on the 18th last month Stating I was in debt to the late Mr Wiseman Which is incorrect as I did not owe Him
a Farthing.
16th Weather the Same as yesterday
17th Hot, and hot wind from the west Thermometer up to 72 in the Shade high for this time of year
18th The weather rhe same, the River began to run same time last night and prevented the Sheep from Crossing very Windy all day
19th Windy from the West. Sophy McD went Home
20th Not quite so much Wind as yesterday Andw. went to Maitland The Grape vines are buding/much to soon/ I fear the Frost will injure many of them. The late Constant Windy Weather is beginning to have a bad effect on the Wheat a good of it is withering fast. Mr Tullock here with a notice of some of Andws Horses being in pound at Rd Bank
21st Wind from the South East and moderately Cool John & Cyrus went to Rd Bank to release Andwn Horses from pound a great many Grubs in the Ground
22nd Moderately Cool Wind S. East
23rd Hot and not a breathof Air. Ther up to 82 in the Sun at 4 oclock finished planting rooted Vines Spring has commenced much earlier than last year
24 Much Wind from the West all day last Night and this Morning Cold
Sunday 25th Cold in the morning Wind all day The wheat Dying fast.
26th Frost, not so windy to day Mr G P Bowman Spent the Evening with Andw returned from Maitland, Leslie went to Singleton to bring a
Fernah Sevt hired by Andw a East Maitland
27th Frost, day windy Mr Theod Cooper here for a Short time Andw & Cyrus went to a Party at Mr Jas McDougalls, Leslie returned bringing a Servant Woman. Grafted a few Vines
28th Frost, and very Windy, a great many ground Grubs in fhe Vineyard
29th Received the Heart rending intelligence of the death of My Dear Son Robert on board the Marian Watson a few days after leaving Calefornia Poor Youth His was a hard lot to be thus Cut off in the prime of life away from His Family and without Friend to administer a word of Comfort and Consolation in His Dying moments May the Almighty God receive His Soul is the earnest prayer of His disconalate Family
Weather the Same as yesterday
30th My dear Emma almost distracted, The day overCast My Sister & Edward here for a few Hours.
31st The Sky overcast all day and Calm Mr & Mrs Cooper here, the Kangaroo Dogs Killed two Fine Emews betwixt this and Mr Holdens Walter went to Singleton to bring up his Aunt Sophy.
❖ ❖ ❖
Sepr 1st The day Calm & Close
a very fine Thunder Shower in the Evening, this may save some of the wheat and make a Spring Mrs S McDougall & Child at B Wood Mrs E Doyle & Emily here also Cyrus went to Muswell Brook to release old Punch from pound John Started for Sydney for the purpose of gaining some further particulars of the death of My poor Robert
2nd The day Cloudy & Calm Mr G P Bowman & The Revd Mr Cooper at B. Wood,
3rd The day Clear & Hot the Wheat beginning to improve in appearance
4th Cloudy & Close in the Forenoon a few drops of Rain afternoon Winy from the West Mrs S McDougall went Home accompanied by Andw a large Native dog run over the River
5th A Complete Storm of Wind the Whole day the dust was very thick What a pity that after a little Rain there is always so wind in this part of the Hunter
6th Fine a moderate breeze from the west
7th The Forenoon Cloudy afternoon Clear andw returned from Singleton Mr A McDougall with Him
8th Fine & warm Mr A McD went Home and Leslie with Him, My Sister, and two of Her Children at B Wood
9th Several Showers during the day. This Rain will keep the Wheat alive for Short time Barlow took the Ewe Flock which He is to to Keep till after Lambing.
10th Very fine & Warm Edward Doyle called John returned from Sydney and found that my dear departed Robert had been treated Kindly by the Capt & passengers on Board and that he died on the 31st May 1850 of as it is supposed of Brain Fever after being Confined to His bed only two days.
11th Sharp Frost, Heard of the death of my Nephew James Elder, poor fellow He had been Insane for a number of years
12th A little Frost, the day warm and Still
13th Cloudy nearly all day a few drops of Rain at one time for a few minutes only Cyrus went to Singleton
14th Very warm got Cloudy in the Evening & looked like Rain, all the Family Ill with Cough Headache &c
15th A Storm of Wind the Whole day from the West The Ewes Commenced Lambing
16th Wind from the west not so high as yesterday Mr & Mrs Cooper here for a Short time
17th The day Cloudy & Cold Sent the half of a draft for £150 also half of a cheque for £21.15.0 on the Bank of Australasia Sydney payable to the Bank of New S Wales forwarded to me by Mr Charles Dight of Melbourne to meet the urgent demands of the B of N S W. on me for that amount-
18th Weather the Same, the Revd Mr White called & remained all Night. Ewes Lambing fast.
19 The day fine and rather warm until towards Evening when a Cold Breeze set in from the S.E.
20th Weather the Same Revd Mr Cooper here with a Petition against transportation in any Shape to this Colony
21st Cloudy a few drops od Rain fell about 1 oclock P. M.
22nd Fine all day the wheat dying fast Sent a lot of Cattle to Pound
23rd Hot and a number of Thunder Clouds visible Capt Russell call and requested me to Sign a petition in favour of transportation which I
refused to Sign Sent a number of Horses to pound
24th Cold & Cloudy a Small Shower in the Forenoon upwards of 200 of the wethers astray this is the 2nd time during the last week Sheep have been left out luckily the have been found untouched by N Dogs
25th Very Cold wind from the S E a little Rain in the Forenoon Some distant Thunder in the Afternoon Commenced Raining at dusk and Rained lightly all Night bought a Bullock out of the pound (to Kill) for £1.14.0 He was very good Beef
26th Cloudy, but not so Cold as yesterday Some distant Thunder
27th Very foggy early in the morning, a complete Storm of wind from the west nearly all day. Thousands of young Grasshoppers are making their appearance
28th Hot and Sultry in the forenoon Thunder in the afternoon. Rain in the Night with Thunder & Lightning
29th Rain most part of the day and last Night More Rain fell this time than has fallen at any one time during the last Six months The Creek
running Edward Doyle here Andw went to Singleton yesterday
30th Fine and rather warm. received a Letter from Mr Ch. Dight Containing the remaining halves of the draft and Cheque on Bank of Australasia Sydney mainly draft for £150 dated Augst 29th 1850 Check £26-5- Same date Ditto £21-15- Same date
❖ ❖ ❖
Octor lst Forenoon Cloudy Afternoon Clear & warm Leslie went to Singleton with the Cart
2nd Hot, and no wind My Sister at B Wood the Grasshoppers have Commenced eating the wheat
3rd Very windy and Cold. Wind from the S. East some distant Thunder two or three times during the day
4th Cloudy and Cold. Walter went to Singleton. We have a deal of trouble with the young Ewes to make them take their Lambs.
5th Forenoon Cloudy & Cold Afternoon Hot. The changes in the weather have been very great lately
6th Weather warm part of the day a cool breeze from the S East in the Evening Some wethers lost & found
7th Hot and very Sultry Some distant Thunder Revd Mr Cooper & two Miss Gaggin’s at B Wood for a short time. My dear little Clara very Ill
8th Hot and very windy, Wind from S. East, became quite cool in the Evening
9th Hot and Close in the forenoon a Small Shower about 2 oclock P. M. Strong wind from the S. E. towards Evening heavy black Clouds Coming from same quarter Doctor Glennie Came to see the Child She is still very Ill
10th Cold & Cloudy all day wind from the same quarter as yesterday great numbers of Grasshoppers in the Vineyard I fear they will destroy the vines The sudden Changes in the weather lately has been very marked and singular
11th Hot all day Leslie went to Singleton for medicine for the Baby
12 A Cloudy and disagreeably Close day The baby Still very Ill
13th Hot until Evening Doctor Glennie here the Child very Ill and what to me is singularly Strange the Illness has occasioned a Cast in both Eyes and the Squint very much
14 A good deal of distant Thunder The day Squally through out
15th Distant Thunder several times during the day. Commenced Raining about Sun Set and Rained constantly ’til past 12 oclock at Night a deal of Rain fell, and the Creek through the Horse paddock ran Clara getting a little better
16th Cloudy distant Thunder several times A Small Shower about 1 oclock Doctor Glennie here.
17th Fine and warm most of the Some Thunder Clouds and a few drops of Rain about 4 oclock P. M. Cyrus went to Singleton and brought up Ellen McDougall The Grasshoppers destroying the Wheat very fast wrote to Mr Nicholson for Some Flour
18th Cloudy all day a few drops of Rain Once or twice Revd & Mrs Cooper and Miss E Gaggin dined with us Clara improving in Health and I think Her Eyes are a little better
19th Cold and Cloudy all day High wind from S. East a Native Dog took a Lamb out of the Stock yard last Night
20th The weather the Same Some Thunder in the forenoon a little rain early in the morning and a light Shower in the afternoon. D. Glennie & Mrs Wiseman here. great numbers of a Greyish Coloured Swallows have Commenced eating the Grasshoopers
22nd Rain from about 12 oclock at Night until 8 oclock this Morning moderately heavy Rain Some light Shower during the day. John & Andw Started for Maitland with their Horses.
23rd Some light Showers during the day John & Andw returnrd with their Horses, The Postman having neglected to Post their Letters Andw & James McDougall here for the Night on their way up the Country, My Boar found dead yesterday opposite Holdens House having destroyed by Dogs but not Native Dogs a none of Him was eaten
24th Sultry. Some distant Thunder and a light Shower afternoon another Lamb missing this Morning
25th Very Hot & Sultry the whole day
26th Hot. Thermometer up to 90 in the Shade Clara Still very Ill Walter to Singleton for Some Medicine for Her She cannot keep anything on Her Stomach not even the Medicine
27th Hot wind from the West ’til 2 oclock P. M. When a Stiff Cold breeze set in from the S East 98 in the Shade at 1 oclock & fell to 75 by 4 oclock Doctor Glennie here the Child Still very Ill Leslie took E. McDougall home in the Gig Mr G P Bowman spent the Evening with us
28th Cool & Cloudy Cyrus & His Mother went in the Gig to Singleton. Mrs S intends remaining at Kelso for a few days to be near the doctor with the Child who is Still very Ill
29th Hot. Cyrus returned the Child no better
30th Very Hot. A Messenger Came to inform me that my poor baby was worse. Went to Singleton accompanied by Walter and o’misery of miseries I found my darling dead. Her Soul had departed the Body, that Soul had flew to its Maker, that Loved me so well when herd the sound of my Footstep gave her pleasure my voice Soothed Her in Her agony. O God thy will be done And O Heavenly Father forgive me if I Some times
think thy decrees Severe
31st Very Hot My unfortunate wife nearly distracted the Revd Mr White Came to Kelso and had prayers and done all in His power to Comfort us
a Thunder Shower in the Evening
❖ ❖ ❖
Novr 1st Mr James McDougall kindly lent His Carriage to Come up in Mrs A McD accompanied us, We intered the remains of my little darling, O What an Affliction. The Revd- Mr White Mr Jno Bowman my Sister and two of Her Family at B Wood The day Cool & fine
2nd Went to Singleton a Shower in the Evening
3rd Attended the Scott Church. Heard an excellent Sermon a Shower in the afternoon Mr White has been very kind and endeavoured to Comfort us, a very heavy Shower at B Wood Mr & Mrs Robinson called on
4th Moderately Cool went into the township
5th Returned to B Wood almost Crazy. The day Cool Sophy McDougall came up with us Called at Mrs Wisemans to see poor Stalwarthy who is I
am sorry to say very Ill, If Charity covereth a multitude of sins Mrs Wiseman will feel the benefit, for She has been a kind, staunch and
disinterested Friend to poor Stalwarthy. The Revd Mr White has been kind and attentive
6th Fine Sunny day and Cool wind from the S. East. Killed Spot the Working Bullock his Hoofs had Split and rendered him unfit for work
7th Very Windy, a Complete Storm in the Afternoon there has been a great deal of wind lately The Revd Mr White came to see us. There has
been a great deal of wind lately and the Fleas very troublesome all over this part of the Hunter
8th Fine & Cool wind from S East Mr & Mrs Cooper spent part of the Afternoon with us Commenced Mowing the wheat-
9th Fine Clear day modearately warm
10th Very Hot Some Thunder and a few drops of Rain in the afternoon Mrs Andw McDougall Sandy and little Johny at B Wood. all my Family went to Church at Jerrys plains Mr Cooper Preached from 11 Luke verse 1st & 2nd and O, ye Saints & Martyrs what a mess He made of it.
11th Cool and very Windy Mrs S & I went to see Dr Stalwarthy, who is I am glad to say a good deal better the weather looks wild and unsettled
12 Cool and Windy Mr, Mrs, M M Bowman and my old Friend Mrs Chisholm called at B Wood and spent the afternoon with us
13th Warm and Windy hunting nearly all day for the Horse duke and could not find Him
14th Very Hot and Some Thunder Afternoon and a few drops of Rain Sent to Singleton for Some Flour, Sugar &c &c the Ther up to 84 at sun set forgot to look before that time.
15th Moderately Cool nearly all day The Revd Mr Stephens R. C. and Mr John Brown called.
16th Cld and very windy a small Shower Afternoon Wind from S. East
17th Very windy and so Cold that a fire had to be made in the parlour in the Evening a small Shower Afternoon
18th Sharp Frost this morning Mrs S & James Doyle went to Singleton in the Gig Sophy McDougall went Home hired some Blacks to Reap at one shilling per day and victuals
19th Very fine warm much of the day, a cool breeze in the Evening Mrs S & J Doyle returned finished drawing in Hay
20th Hot until, Evening when a Cool breeze from the South East Spmng up.
21st very Hot, Ther. up to 97 in the Shade at 4 oclock P. M. and 90 at 8 oclock at Night The Grapes, Melons and pumkins and the [Calavams] &c &c Suffering much from the Heat and drought
22nd Dreadful day / Ther, half past Eight A. M. 80 25 minutes past Nine 90. 12 oclock 99, 3 oclock 101 Nine oclock ar Night 91 for the last two days the Wind has been blowing tremendously from the West and very Hot Clouds of dust every Where in the bush and out of it
23rd Almost as Hot & Windy as yesterday Mr & Mrs Robertson of plashet(?) dined with us a number of bunches of Grapes destroyed by the excessive heat
24th Forenoon rather warm Afternoon Cool & Cloudy a few drops of Rain about Sun Set Mrs S & Andw went to Mr Bowmans.
25th Cool breeze from S E all drew in the wheat three loads consisted my Harvest. Every Kind of vegetation Dying for want of Rain
26th Cool, wind from the Same quarter
27th One of the most dreadful days for wind and Heat I ever remember it blew a Complete hurricane from the west all day. the Ther. rose to 101 at 4 oclock P. M. the dust was enough to Choke a person
28th Hot and very windy in the Afternoon. Commenced Shearing in the Grease could not find enough water to wash the Sheep in the dreadful weather is killing all the Fruit
29th Hot until Evening when a Cool breeze set in from the S East
30th A dreadful day of Heat. very little wind. the Ther. in the shade 102 at 3 oclock P. M. 99 at Sun Set
❖ ❖ ❖
Decr. 1st wind from the S E and consquently the day middling Cool My sister, Robert, & Roscoe with us all day. Peter Duff died last Night leaving a Wife and Six Children it is supposed His death was occasioned through keeping on wet Cloathes after being in the water a considerable time catching Fish
2 hot, wind from the west went to the late Peter Duff’s Funeral
3rd Hot and windy
4th The Same
5th The Same
6th Very Hot and windy, the weather is dreadful
7th Very Hot Some Thunder in the afternoon a few drops of Rain finished Sheep Shearing Ther. 98 in the Shade
8th Hotter than yesterday Ther. up to 100 The Bunches of Grapes are dying in Thousands
9 Hot Some Thunder and a Small Shower in the Evening Sophy McDougall came to Stay a Short time with Her Aunt
10 Cool, and two or three Small Showers fell in the forenoon. Mearly enough to lay the dust Leslie saw five Emews this Morning, a number of these Birds have been seen in this part lately it Seems the great Drought in the interior is compeling them to migrate towards the Sea Coast, If they remain in this neighbourhood it will be out of the Frying Pan into the fire with them.
11th Fine day. not to Hot Wind S. E. Upwards of 300 Sheep astray found between 8 & 9 oclock at Night
12th Hot and very Windy the Whole of the day Wind from the west Ther- 98 another lot of upwards of one Hundred Sheep astray
13th Hot, wind from the Same quarter but not so violent Sheep found late in the Evening J. Withers took the dray and Five Bales of wool to Singleton Returned in the Evening Ther 92
14th Wind from the S E and the day not so Hot as yesterday More Sheep lost
15th Hot and Sultry all day Ther 98 found the Sheep
16th Very Hot. Ther. up to 102 Some very loud Claps of Thunder in the afternoon and a Shower of Rain that Lasted from about half past 8 to half past 9 Night, my dray Started with seven Bales of wool for Maitland J Withers driver
17th Cloudy and very Close a deal of Thunder and Lightning in the early part of the Night and a very fine Shower that lasted for an hour or upwards, Then two Showers will save the Grapes that are not actually dead. I am quite sure that one third of the Whole Crop is destroyed I fear neither the Pumpkin or Cucumber Vines will revive they appear too be to far gone, Sophy McD. returned
18th Warm and windy in the forenoon a Small Thunder Shower in the afternoon a few Hail Stones fell a lot of Sheep astray. Barlow & His dog found them at Night
19th Cloudy all day a Strong breeze from the S. E. the whole day Some more Sheep astray
20th Fine Clear day and a little wind. Mr & Mrs Cooper at B Wood The Native Dogs killed a Ewe and bit another and a Lamb within a few yards of the Men’s Hut my Health any thing but good for the past week
21st Hot in the forenoon a good deal of Thunder & Lightning in the afternoon a fine Shower in the Evening which only lasted a short time
22nd Hot and oppressively Close most of the day about 6 oclock P M one of the most furious gales I ever rember with distant Thunder after the Gale had continued for nearly an hour. Rain, Thunder, and Lightning Commenced and Continued ’til late in the Night Mrs S & Cyrus went to to Singleton, the Storm blew all the Back off the Wheat and Hay Stack I fear they are wet This Rain will reach the Roots of the Vines and Fruit Trees
23rd A little Rain in the morning early the rest of the day fine and Clear Mrs S & Cyrus returned from Singleton
24th Cloudy & Cool the whole day Andw returned from Maitland.
25th Weather the same as yesterday John & M A Bowman B Wood in the afternoon.
26th Cool and pleasant, Andw McDougall here on His way to Gamum Plains Cyrus went with Him
27 Weather the same as yesterday. Sol. Wiseman and His Sisters Spent most of the day with us.
28th Pleasant and Cool Mr J Bowman & Mr R Howe dined with us
29th Not quite So Cool as yesterday Andw Mc Dougall and Cyrus returned
30th Hot abd Sultry most of the day a cool breeze set in from the S. E.in the Evening My Sister and her Son Andw called today.
31st Very Close and Sultry. a few drops of Rain about 10 oclock A. M. Doctor Glennie and the Rev Mr Cooper called in the afternoon. Hired a Man Joseph Kirbank to mind the Sheep for One month in place of Billy Barlow who absconded Past Night